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Honors Tutorial College recognizes outstanding achievements for 2023

Each academic year, bet8九州登录入口的荣誉辅导学院(HTC)为即将毕业的大四学生颁发杰出奖, faculty tutors and mentors. HTC学生提名教师参加奖项,委员会根据教师导师和导师的提名来确定优秀学生论文的奖项,这些奖项表明学生的论文工作在创造性的追求和发现方面是典型的.

“The Honors Tutorial College is full of curious and creative scholars,” said Beth Novak, interim dean of the college. “We are thrilled to receive so many outstanding nominations each year, 更令人欣喜的是,HTC学生在老师的指导和支持下完成的论文不仅有趣,而且在学术上也很出色, 但它往往会推动研究突破,为世界带来一些全新的东西.”


2023 Outstanding Tutor of the Year

Dr. 南希Tatarek

Nominator: Riley Zielinski

“My tutorial with Dr. Tatarek完全改变了我对我的研究领域——人类疾病和病原体生物学的历史的看法. 她一直支持我的成长,接受我在一些概念上的挣扎,这让我有了思想上的自由,可以重新思考我认为我所知道的关于医学史和人类学的一切. Dr. Tatarek's compassion and fluidity makes her a truly outstanding tutor, and a model for an excellent facilitator of student learning in this model of education," Zielinski said.

2023 Outstanding Mentor of the Year (Two Awards)

Dr. 莎拉·琼斯

Nominator: Haley Janoski

“When I chose Dr. Jones as my thesis advisor, I already knew I was getting the best of the best––wildly intelligent, 富有同情心的, and possessing an unrivaled ability to support students academically, 专业, and mentally (college is hard, 人). Dr. 琼斯的勤奋和杰出的指导使这篇论文经历了变革, 有趣的, 和满足. In working with Dr. Jones, I have grown as a student, writer, and budding professional," Janoski said.

Dr. 乔·麦克劳克林

Nominator: 玛吉·爱伦

“Dr. McLaughlin has expanded my own ideas of what is possible in the realm of English studies, 他对我对科幻小说文本的兴趣的热情,通常被认为是不值得文学价值或批判性研究的,这导致了一个项目,我觉得这对我自己作为一个英语学者的目标是真实的. 他将丰富的古典英语知识与他对正式英语学习新途径的真正好奇心相结合,在我的工作中留下了不可磨灭的印记,艾伦说.

2023 Outstanding Thesis: Professional or Creative

Katy Lessick, HTC Music, “Charles Theodore Pachelbel: His Life and Musical Output”

Nominator: Prof. Roger Braun, director of studies for HTC Music

“Katy’s thesis is notable and significant on several fronts. 第一个, she conducted primary source research on Early American composer, Charles Pachelbel, 在音乐历史学家不知道的他的生活和作品中发现了新的东西, 帮助我们更深入地了解独立战争前美国的个人和古典音乐领域. 第二个, 她在牛津大学的档案中发现了一份音乐手稿,这份手稿被错误地认为是帕赫尔贝尔的父亲写的, and proved that it was indeed the work of his son, Charles Pachelbel. Katy then created a modern edition of that manuscript, allowing it to be performed by musicians today. 在这个过程中,她学会了一种先进的音乐编程语言,并在历史上做出了明智的表演决定. 最终的结果是一个52页的版本,其中有历史注释和精美的雕刻乐谱,她将提交给a - r版本以供出版考虑. Katy在这篇论文中的工作非常出色,对音乐领域做出了重大贡献,布劳恩说.


2023 Outstanding Thesis: Publishable Manuscript

瑞恩希恩, HTC的历史, 对暴君的记忆与误记:墨洛温王朝晚期法兰西的政治与声誉

提名者:博士. Kevin Uhalde, director of studies for HTC的历史

“I directed 瑞恩希恩’s thesis, from which I learned far more about eighth-century France than I ever taught Ryan. 论文可以很容易地以两篇独立文章的形式提交发表:一篇, a recovery and reassessment of the career of successful, 如果臭名昭著, political operative during the declining years of the Merovingian royal dynasty; the other, 这本书细致入微地解读了几十年来保存和篡改了他死后遗产的文学资料, indeed centuries. That is to say that Ryan’s thesis makes multiple scholarly contributions. 然而, the thesis itself reads as a coherent narrative, one that seems like a biography, though it continues long after the subject Ebroin’s death. That is often the way early medieval literature works, whether in chronicles that resemble but aren’t really like modern histories, or in saints’ lives, called hagiography, 他们对传记细节不太感兴趣,更感兴趣的是在生前和死后的奇迹中可见的精神遗产. 埃布洛因在这两种来源中都有出现,尽管大多数情况下是一个恶棍,而不是一个圣人. Ryan was drawn to Ebroin because of his importance in politics, 但他对资料的仔细解读使他对记忆和接受有了更多的理论研究. 对历史学家来说,这是最好的智力增长——认识到需要从自己的研究中找到新的解释框架, and then finding what works. 然而,, 再一次。, Ryan’s thesis is written with primary sources and interpretation always in the foreground. It is thoroughly grounded in the Anglophone scholarship. 瑞安的作品涉及了一系列令人惊叹的原始资料,涵盖了几个世纪和各种流派, in translation as well as in the original Latin. It is the most accomplished, mature work of scholarship I have directed and among the three best theses I have read,乌尔德说.

2023 Outstanding Thesis: Traditional


提名者:博士. Matthew Rosen, director of studies for HTC Anthropology

“'Beyond Binaries' is a work of deep importance. It is timely, rich in detail, and sincere in tone. 通过参与者观察和生活史访谈的主体间民族志方法产生的亲密知识为基础, 这部作品不仅对人类学酷儿研究领域做出了重大贡献,而且对任何愿意学习以人为中心的民族志核心的重要课程的读者也做出了重大贡献. 从研究问题开始(1)与敌对和有害的州和国家立法机构相关的地方赋权场景是如何创造的?; (2) What roles do identity and belonging play among LGBTQ+ young adults?; and (3) What are the effects of the existence of media related practices in the social worlds of queer young adults?, the account reveals the reality and truth of four people—Jonah, Alesha, 阋神星, 还有Luvina——面对严重的歧视,他们坚持按照自己的价值观生活. What else could be as important? I was deeply moved by the account and learned a lot. Among many other things, it reads as a powerful antidote to the rising tide of anti-trans rhetoric, which the author treats in accordance with the principles of brevity and fair play. 总而言之, Luvina厄尔的“超越二元”是一篇典型的论文,也是一篇强有力的民族志,不仅对人类学,而且对更广泛的公共文化都做出了重要的理论和实践贡献,罗森说.

2023 Outstanding Thesis Honorable Mentions

玛吉·爱伦, HTC英语“来自过去的爆炸:走向自由未来的科幻与批判理论”

梅西鲍嘉, HTC生物科学:描述新型化合物对1型糖尿病胰岛的影响

